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Vulnerability Testing

Looking for Holes Before Cybercriminals Exploit Them!

written by paul bush posted on March 7, 2015

Have you ever wondered how vulnerable your information technology environment is – and how easily an attacker would be able to get in?

Far too many business owners fail to think about security before it’s too late, and unfortunately, there’s no way to predict WHEN a cybercriminal will target your systems; but at some point, it’ll happen.

OneSource Technology offers vulnerability testing – looking for holes before cybercriminals target your systems and exploit them. Call us at (316) 788-1372 or send us an email at solutions@onesourcetechnology.com.


Vulnerability testing allows you to determine the status of your IT security – then you’re able to fix holes before your systems are targeted. Why is this important? Because cybercriminals target businesses of all types and sizes, whether they’re looking to steal data or wreak havoc. Our vulnerability testing involves:

  • Analyzing your existing security measures and settings to find what areas could be improved and what security solutions are necessary.
  • Testing your defenses for weak points the same way a cybercriminal would – finding holes that must be patched before they’re exploited.
  • Creating policies and procedures to help you avoid data breaches resulting from lack of proper best practices.

Once we’ve conducted vulnerability testing, we’ll create a step-by-step guide that helps you reach the level of IT security needed to keep your business going – without malware infection or cyber attacks taking you down.

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Amanda, Wichita Area Non-Profit

Schedule A Call Now

A malware infection or cyber attack could ruin the livelihood of your business – keeping you from getting work done or accessing important data for days, or even weeks!

Schedule vulnerability testing before it’s too late. Contact us at (316) 788-1372 or send us an email at solutions@onesourcetechnology.com.

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