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Hosted Services

written by paul bush posted on March 7, 2015

Access Files & Applications Wherever You Are, Reducing Overhead & Making Your Workforce More Mobile!

You depend on a lot of systems and services, such as email, phone, accounting software, and all sorts of other things to keep business flowing while ensuring your employees can get their work done. But of course, technology is expensive – and it’s frustrating when employees can’t access the technology they need, when and where they need it.

OneSource Technology offers hosted services – moving your vital files and applications into the cloud to allow remote access, improve productivity, and reduce overhead. Call us at (316) 788-1372 or send us an email at solutions@onesourcetechnology.com.

Hosted Services

What are hosted services? Essentially, we host your systems and services on our servers – allowing you to access those systems and services through a direct network connection that runs via the Internet. This allows you to:

  • Allow remote access to files, applications, and services on mobile devices and home computers, including PCs and laptops.
  • Eliminate unnecessary expenses for hardware purchases, regular maintenance, or software licensing fees.
  • Keep data confidential and secure with state-of-the-art security, including encryption, two-factor authentication, and customizable controls.
  • Improve business continuity through automated backups and protection against any possible in-office disasters.

What systems and services can you move to the cloud with hosted services? There’s a wide range of possibilities, including:

  • Email: Stop spam while storing and access emails easily and securely online.
  • Telephones: Use VoIP business phones for more cost-efficient, reliable communications.
  • QuickBooks: Organize financials and share important data with your accountant.
  • And more: Ask us what hosted services can do for your business.
“A Trusted Resource”

“Now we are not relegated to someone who doesn’t know us. We are impressed that once a week a tech comes out to our physical location to meet with us in person. They are familiar with us, they are the point person, they are trusted, and we feel like they are one of our own employees.”

Doug N., Wichita Area Non-Profit

Schedule A Call Now

Interested in learning more about our hosted services? Looking to reduce overhead while keeping your staff more mobile than ever before?

Call us at (316) 788-1372 or send us an email at solutions@onesourcetechnology.com. OneSource Technology – the top IT consulting company in Wichita, KS.

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