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Keep Phishing Emails at Bay: Just Verify

written by paul bush posted on August 20, 2024
Phishing emails are sneaky, but keeping yourself safe doesn’t have to be complicated. The easiest way to avoid getting caught is to double-check before you click.
First things first—take a good look at the sender’s email address. Does it seem legit? If you’re even a little unsure, don’t risk it. It’s quick and easy to make sure the sender is actually who they say they are, especially when the email involves something important.
Keep an eye out for any warnings. Many email systems will slap an “EXTERNAL SENDER” label on messages that come from outside your company. If you see that and aren’t expecting the email, be extra cautious. Also, check if the icons or logos look right—if something seems off, it probably is.
Finally, if the email asks for something big—like changing bank account details or updating employment records—always confirm the request. Give the sender a call using a number you already know is legit (not the one in the email) and make sure the request is real.
By taking these easy steps, you can dodge phishing attacks and keep your information safe. When in doubt, just verify!

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